Equine Facilitated Learning Accredited Diploma Training Course. We are so pleased to be able to offer this training course here at Horse Haven Uk.
The course has been written by myself, Suzannah. I have been working on it for well over 12 months and it has come about from our experiences and pleasure of working with EFL clients here.
It has now been approved and accredited by the “Institute for Animal Care Education”. I have chosen this organisation as we feel the care of the horses is of utmost importance for this type of work.
The training will be held at Horse Haven Uk in Somerset , near Glastonbury and will run over 5 days.
Limited accommodation can be provided on site by arrangement and a list of local accommodation will be sent to anyone wishing to attend.
The training will involve classroom work, requirements for setting up your business and of course selection, training and care of the therapy horse. You will learn to set up a variety of courses and create the right environment for your clients in order that they get maximum benefits from their experience with the horses. There will also be lots of practical, hands on experience with our therapy horses.
There will be tests throughout the course and the final day will be spent doing case studies which we provide from volunteers being invited to join us. You will be assessed on the results of the tests and performance with case studies which, if successful in the assessments will result in receiving a diploma from Horse Haven Uk, followed by a diploma from the Institute for Animal Care Education. This will enable you to obtain insurance for your future business.
In the unlikely event that any student doesn’t meet the final requirements they will be offered the opportunity to come back for 1 or 2 days to work on the areas that didn’t quite meet the standard of assessment.
Your tutor will be myself, Suzannah Leighton. Horse handler and support team varies but all are qualified in Equine Facilitated Learning.
Suzannah is a qualified Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Coach and Master Practitioner of NLP (neuro linguistic programming) with over 20 years experience as a therapist. She also has certificates in EFL and advanced EFT.